Growing Tips
-to help you succeed-
Above all else, remember to have fun and simply enjoy the benefits of having fresh
onions grown and harvested straight from one's own garden.
In our experience onion sets are the best choice for the grower of green onions or cooking onions. They are much hardier than
onion seed and for gardeners commonly yield relatively larger bulbs than seedlings or seed.
These growing tips are a general guide to producing excellent onions; From our own experience we realize that, each field and garden is different whether it be across the road or across the country! Nothing can compare with your personal experience in your own garden.
Remember , bulbs may also be grown in planters or pots, outdoors is best but if that is not an option planters or pots work well , be sure to put them in the sunniest location of the home.
Growing the best onions first comes down to selecting the best spot available. They grow best in a light, loose, well drained soil with full sunlight.
Soil fertility is also an important part of growing onions. Spread 2-3 pounds of a fertilizer such as 10-20-10, 9-24-3, 10-10-10 or similar over a 100 square-foot area. Measure and spread the fertilizer, then mix it with the top 3-4 inches of the soil.
When onion plants have 5-6 leaves, apply the same fertilizer again to help the plants and and bulbs grow larger.
Use 1-2 cups of fertilizer for each 10 feet of onion row.
Scatter the fertilizer evenly in between the rows and then water throughly after spreading the fertilizer.
Sets are frost hardy and for best results should be planted as early as possible, generally as soon as the soil dries out in the spring.
To plant dig a shallow hole or trench in the ground and plant the onions deep enough so that the bulb is covered but the neck is sticking out above the ground.
Plant sets 6 inches apart in the row, If you have multiple rows put the rows 6 inches apart as well.
For green onions you may plant sets closer, as close as a 1 x 1 inch grid.
If you would like to enjoy fresh green onions for the whole season plant a few each week and there will always be a steady supply.

Weed onions often as they do not do well with competition.
Do not let weeds or grass get large because they will steal nutrients and sunlight from the onions and the bulb size will suffer as a result.
When hoeing weeds and grass do not chop too deeply as it may be cut the onion roots it is best to hand pull weeds when possible
Watering thoroughly once a week usually is enough. But you may need to water more often during hot, dry weather.
Water slowly and deeply to help grow strong, healthy roots.
Curing and Storage
When the tops dye they turn yellow, lay down and begin to dry up. When this happens the onions are mature.To cure pull the onions and leave them to dry in the sun for 2-3 days. The tops should be dry before you bring them inside. If you see an onion with damage it should not be stored long.Store the onions in a dry, cool place where the air can get around them, open mesh bags are best.
Additional Tips
Create a new green onion seedbed each year. Move the bed's location as disease can begin to harm plants in successive planting locations.
If onions attempt to produce seed, break off seed flowers on the top to force them to produce a bulb, if allowed to produce a seed ball they will not produce a bulb.